The evaluation meeting was arranged at AAP office Multan. Mr. Umar Khanzada; an Evaluator from ARF came to evaluate the project; Strengthening& Empowering Existing Women Sanitary Workers’ Union. Project Manager gave the presentation, which was quite elaborative and it covered all the segments from the start of the project. The power point presentation covered all the activities which contained; the Staff hiring, orientation meeting for the project staff, the trainings of the union leaders, meeting with the community, meetings with the MPAs and local body Elected Representatives. These all activities were shown along with their pictorial views. The IEC material was shown on power point and as hard copies; posters, leaflets, planner 2017, position paper and flash cards. Mr. Umar Khanzada met the union leaders and the community, those who are being directly benefited by the project. Umar Khanzada, raised many question related to the success of the unions. The community cited various issues which happened to them. But after the union‘s establishment the pressure of the union had been increased and now the women are in much better sate. Umar Khanzada was very much satisfied with the outcomes of the project. He appreciated the women for doing such great efforts and becoming the voice of the voiceless. He also encouraged them to put their full interest, so that the next step can be achieved in the form of “Federation”. Umar Khanzada also instead that this process should be carried and should attain sustainability.
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